Tuesday, 16 June 2015

By:Faqeer Bagh Hussain Kamal RA

پاکستان کا سیاسی، عسکری اور معاشی مستقبل انتہائی شاندار ہے


Arif-e-Waqt Faqeer Bagh Hussain Kamal RA said in his Khutbaat,
"Pakistan's Future is extremely bright and Allah wants to take an important responsibility from Pakistan. There is a great scheme of Allah behind the creation of Pakistan. Completion of this important task will take place by 'Imam Mehdi AS'. These changes has been occurred in spiritual world and now they are starting to appear in front of the physical world day by day. Insha'Allah"

Book: Khutbaat-e-Kamal (Sermons delivered from 1988 to 2000) has 615 pages, only extracts related to Pakistan future and some other important ones are posted below, Please refer to book for futher details.

Download Book: Khutbaat-e-Kamal from www.dar-ul-faizan.com

Page 5, 6

Page 136

Important Future Predictions
Page 512

Page 11

Page 82, 83

Page 118, 119

Page 120

Page 186, 187

Page 202, 203

Page 223

Page 315, 316

Page 322, 328

Page 324, 325

Page 326, 327

Page 356

Question & Answers
Page 413

Page 416

Page 418

Page 474, 475

Page 518, 519

Page 546

Some More Worth Reading Messages

Page 423

Page 427, 428

Page 64

Page 150

Page 99

Page 561

Page 567, 568

Page 177

Wisdom In Numbers (92, 47, 11) and Pakistan
Please note, this is not complex numerology, these numbers has wisdom in it.

Page 567

Page 159, 160

Pakistan Is A Secret of Allah

92 is the Numerical Value of the name "Muhammad" 
Muhammad : Mim + Ha + Mim + Dal = 40 + 8 + 40 + 4 = 92
9+2 = 11
That's why it is said to read Darood Sharif 11 times

In QuranSurah "Muhammad" is 47th Surah of Quran
4+7 = 11

Surah "Muhammad" has 38 Ayaat (Verses)
3+8 = 11 

Pakistan was created in 1947
1+9 = 10
4+7= 11

Country Code of Pakistan is 92
9+2 = 11

Now read Ayaat 4, 7 and 11 of Surah "Muhammad", everything becomes clear

47th Surah Muhammad, Verse 4 (Urdu & English Translation)
 So, when you encounter those who disbelieve, then (aim at) smiting the necks, until when you have broken their strength thoroughly, then tie fast the bond, (by making them captives). Then choose (to release them) either (as) a favour (shown to them,), or (after receiving) ransom, until the war throws down its load of arms. That (is Our command.) If Allah willed, He would have (Himself) subjected them to retribution, but (Allah ordered you to fight,) so that He may test some of you through some others. And those who are killed in Allah‘s way, He will never let their deeds go to waste

 47th Surah Muhammad, Verse 7
 O you who believe, if you will help (the religion prescribed by) Allah, He will help you, and will stabilize your footings.

(For those who will point 9/11/2001 WTC event, now read Verses 10, 11)

47th Surah Muhammad, Verse 10
Have they not travelled through the earth, and seen what was the end of those before them?Allah destroyed them completely and a similar (fate awaits) the disbelievers.

47th Surah Muhammad, Verse 11
That is because Allah is the protector of those who have believed and because the disbelievers have no protector.

Numerical Value of Darood Sharif is '10'
There are 10 Ashra-e-Mubashira

Idea of Pakistan was given by Allama Iqbal
Died in 1938
1+9 = 10
3+8 = 11

Interesting thing is Allama Iqbal has total 10 poetry books
4 Urdu + 6* Farsi = 10

 *Mostly Armaghan-e-Hijaz Farsi Part is published separately so total makes 11 books 

Today Hijri Year 1433 has started
1+4+3+3 = 11

But the most surprising thing was told by Wasif Ali Wasif RA. he said in book Wasifiyaat:

آپ ؒ کے بقول: ملک کے چار صوبے چاروں عناصر کی طرح ابھی ظہورِ ترتیب میں ہیں

Pakistan's 4 Provinces are like 4 Elements
4 Elements of which everything of Universe is made
Earth, Water, Air, Fire

So Pakistan created on 14 August, Its four provinces are like 4 elements

And Allah Knows The Best

Just For The Interest of Readers


Every letter in the Arabic alphabet has a numerical (gematrical) value. In other words, in Arabic every letter stands for a number. A number of calculations can be made from this basis. These are referred to as numerological (abjad) calculations or "hisab al-jumal. Muslims who took advantage of the fact that every letter of the alphabet represents a number have used this in a number of fields. Ilm'ul Jafr is one of these.

NOVEMBER 16, 2011

Future of Pakistan By Qutab-e-Wahdat Faqeer Bagh Hussain Kamal (RA)

عارف وقت فقیر باغ حسین کمال رحمتہ اللہ علیہ کی بشارتیں

Bagh Hussain Kamal RA
(1937 - 2000)

Arif-e-Waqt & Qutab-e-Wahdat Hazrat Prof. Faqeer Bagh Hussain Kamal (RA), stands distinct amongst the ‘Friends of God (Aulia Allah)’ due to a special blessing ofAllah. According to Book: Haal-e-Safar,
Faqir Bagh Hussain Kamal prayed to Allah for inclusion of his name in the list of first hundred of Muslims who recite maximum Darood Sharif and Allah made him first in his Ummah in this regard. His daily routine was to recite at least 0.225 million (2.25 Lac) Darood Sharif and maximum quantity was a mystery. From Ramazan 1978 till 19th Feb 1987, he sent 370 Million  (37 Karor) Darood Sharif. Infact, There is no competitor of him in respect of Quantity of Darood Sharif....(He was Founder of Silsila Owaisia Kamalia)

Note: Haal-e-Safar Book Download links are provided at the end of this post.

Faqeer Bagh Hussain Kamal (RA) was chosen for the status of ‘Qutab-e-Wahdat’ which is a higher rank in Spiritual Administration (Ahl-e-Takween). (Note: A detailed post on Ahl-e-Takween/Rijaal-ul-Ghaib will be added in future)

After reading above stats, one may go into a state of disbelief, so it’s better to read some extracts from his book.Haal-i-Safar (If you feel any extract out of context, Please download the book and read details)

This post is divided into four parts as below

1. Some Important Extracts from Book Haal-e-Safar

(From Ground To Empyrean)

Rijaal-ul-Ghaib as mentioned by Faqeer Bagh Hussain Kamal (RA) Sahib (Photo added)

2. Spiritual Predictions about Pakistan & other countries Future

Basharat (Page 127-133)

- Above Extracts From Book Haal-e-Safar (English) -

3. Comments by Famous Personalities about Book: Haal-e-Safar

4. Permission to recite his favorite Darood Sharif


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